Kinesiology is a gentle non-invasive way of communicating with the body in order to detect stresses on a physical, mental and emotional level. Holistic kinesiology is a broad based complementary therapy that uses feedback from the body to assess what may be causing these stresses. Rather than treating the symptoms, kinesiology taps into the subconscious to address the core issues. This can provide insight and understanding for the client, as well as allowing for long lasting results. By communicating with the body via a biofeedback system the most appropriate techniques are found to help restore the body and mind to a state of balance. Tools and techniques are used from a large range of therapies such as traditional Chinese medicine and acupressure, counseling, structural and postural techniques, homeopathy, nutrition, blood and lymphatic reflex points, flower essences, essential oils, chakra balancing, energetic healing techniques and more.
"Kinesiology encompasses holistic health disciplines which use the gentle art of muscle monitoring to access information about a person’s well being. Originating in the 1970’s, it combines Western techniques and Eastern wisdom to promote physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health. Kinesiology identifies the elements which inhibit the body’s natural internal energies and accessing the life enhancing potential within the individual." (Definition approved by the Australian Kinesiology Association 1999.)
Mind Body Medicine
There are many strands of kinesiology. At Live in Balance I practice Holistic Kinesiology and a Mind Body approach to treatment. This approach involves incorporating all aspects of the client - what is happening with them on a physical level and psychological level and the relationships between the two. I also use constitutional analysis and consider environmental and lifestyle factors.
Considering and integrating both the mind (neurology, emotions and psychology) and body (structure and biochemistry) in treatment and their impact on each other allows for the client to understand the cause of their stress or illness. This understanding places the client in a far more empowered position as they realise the role they play in their healing.
For more information on Holistic Kinesiology click here to read the article written by David Corby, Director of the College of Complementary Medicine, the developer of Vibrational Healing Systems and a Holistic Kinesiology instructor and practitioner.
For more information on Mind Body Medicine watch David's YouTube video below or click here
Your body's messages
Our bodies have an amazing intelligence that are giving us sometimes subtle, and at other times, not so subtle, signs and signals of what we need to address. These signals can come in many different forms like physical pain or discomfort, anxiety and feelings of stress, sleeplessness and fatigue, hormonal imbalances, or unsettled emotions.
Kinesiology can tap into and unlock those sometimes seemingly mysterious signs, bring about a sense of balance and well being to your mind and body, and allow you to heal.
What can holistic kinesiology help you with?
Almost anything! Stress can manifest itself in many different ways, physically, mentally and emotionally. Just some of the issues Holistic kinesiology can be used to work on are:
Pain – back, shoulder, knees, hips, muscular, etc ·
Digestive disorders (including Irritable Bowel Syndrome) ·
Fatigue ·
Sleep disorders ·
Endocrine disorders – thyroid, adrenal,
reproductive, etc ·
Postural problems (including scoliosis) ·
Weight problems ·
Generalised feelings of stress or anxiety ·
Learning difficulties ·
Food sensitivities ·
Skin disorders ·
Reproductive issues – fertility, PMS, menopause,
etc ·
Life purpose and direction
Please contact me if you have any questions or to find out more about how holistic kinesiology can help you.